Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Pet eats wig in bald move

In an unorthodox twist on a high-protein diet, 2008 saw a wig amongst the ten weirdest things eaten by pets.

The list in full:
1. Ten-inch tent peg
2. Christmas decoration (star shaped)
3. Kitchen knife
4. Alphabet fridge magnets
5. Man’s wig
6. Ann Summers underwear
7. Bell
8. Fishing hook
9. Socks
10. Rubber duck
The pet that ate the rubber duck was taken to see a doctor - but Animal News reckons taking the confused animal to a quack would have been more appropriate.

And the award for animal fashion victim of 2008 goes to...

Hat tip: Robino

More pics available at flickr

Happy new year to all animal news lovers!

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

This cow is in no MOOd for laughing - it's just been hit by a plane!

A plane making an emergeny landing accidentally bashed a cow while touching down - knocking the poor creature over. Animal News would like to know when pilots will finally realize that a cow is not a substitute for a runway!

Monday, 22 December 2008

Contacts make cat's eyes see again

Sky News:
Ernest the cat has had his sight restored by contact lenses in what is believed to be a medical first.

Pooh art continues to defy credit crunch

Following our earlier report of an original Pooh drawing fetching a cool £31 200 at auction, new records have been set as "He Went On Tracking, And Piglet ... Ran After Him" went under the hammer at £115,250.

Glimmer of hope for turkies at Xmas

From the Daily Express:
No wonder Terence the turkey keeps himself apart from his pals. He’s not going to be a Christmas dinner.  The lucky bird managed to dodge being someone’s main course because he has become one of the family down at the farm. 

Farmer Roger Barron, 53, and wife Marianne, 49, are so attached to him they’ve invited him for Christmas.  At their turkey farm in Essex, Marianne said: "There was something different about him.  He was more brazen, jumping on bales of hay, squawking and showing who was leader of the pack."

Before long he was coming into the family home for food. Marianne said: "I couldn’t bear having him slaughtered with all the rest.  So Terence is going to be guest of honour at our dinner table. He will have a special place laid. While we’re tucking into one of his old pals, he’ll be feasting on a plateful of grain. He won’t get any bubbly, though. We don’t want a drunken bird. After all, the cure would be cold turkey."
Meanwhile, less fortunate turkies are getting their own back on humans from beyond the grave.

Love triangle results in rampage from rhino with the horn

Sky News reports:
A rhinoceros embroiled in a love triangle has caused chaos after becoming jealous and rampaging after his cheating mate.
See this news report for more:


Pigeon poop has caused the destruction of a gas station canopy. Biological warfare!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Zookeepers vow end to sprout stench shenanigans

The Metro writes about a King Kong Pong:
Zoo-keepers have apologised to visitors for the stench coming from a gorilla enclosure after feeding the animals sprouts.

'Sprouts can cause bouts of flatulence in animals and humans. But I don't think any of us were prepared for a smell that strong,' said Michael Riozzi of Chessington Zoo in Surrey.

Outfoxed by smelly 'dog'

From the wires:
A Chinese man was shocked to discover the dog he had raised from a pup was actually a rare Arctic fox.

Zhang, of Tunkou, bought what he thought was an all-white Pomeranian dog for £60 a year ago on a business trip. But he found the dog hard to tame, it would often bite him and had several unusual traits, he told the Wuhan Evening Post.

"It can't bark but instead makes little 'em em' noises, and its tail has been growing longer and longer," he said. "The most annoying thing is that starting this summer, the dog became very smelly. Even when we gave it a daily shampoo bath, the smell was still strong."

Zhang took his 'dog' to a local zoo for answers, and it turned out the dog is actually an Arctic fox, a protected rare species. He has now donated the animal to the zoo.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Cat by name, burglar by nature

Beware dear readers if you see this cat or any of it's kind about, your Xmas pressies might be at risk! The BBC are reporting the continuation of the animal crime wave sweeping the planet. Frankie has no regard for the Christmas spirit and has maliciously been stealing toys left, right and centre. Please guard your presents if you see a cat about!

Sound the a-llama, the alpacas are on patrol

From The Times:
Two South American alpacas have been drafted in to guard a flock of chickens from foxes. The llama-like animals were bought by Angel Thorneycroft for her suburban garden in Dorset because foxes are no longer scared off by her Alsatian. "I spotted something in a magazine about alpacas being good for protecting chickens," she said. "They hiss and spit and give a good kick if they feel threatened. I’ve not seen a fox come into my garden since I’ve had them. In the last year I’ve lost 30 chickens, but Holly and Maurice are doing a wonderful job – and they mow my back garden."

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Show More Respect To Our Dead Badgers!

The Amazing Animal News office was horrified earlier today at the brazen dishonouring of a dead badger by road workers in Somerset, UK. The heartless yobs painted a road marking over the fallen mustelidaen hero. Even in death it seems that animals are not safe from mocking and mistreatment.

I have nothing to declare! Well except that I've got crabs

Readers will be glad to hear that whilst the US custom staff can miss monkey smuggling they are more apt at detecting crabs.

A Mexican citizen has been fined $1,910 for "not declaring crabs" after he was found in possession of 191 crabs when crossing a south Texas international bridge.

We advise all travellers to the USA to tell customs of any crabs they maybe bringing into the country or risk a similar fine.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Excuse me, do you have a monkey up your blouse?

When I see apparently pregnant women I often think “are they preggers or do they have a sedated monkey up their blouse?”

It therefore comes as no surprise to me that Gypsy Lawson has used this cunning ruse to smuggle a monkey into the USA. The stunt was missed by dozy US customs staff and only came to light after she bragged about it to a store clerk.

Next time you see a suspicious pregnant woman we suggest you check and ask, you might get a surprising response!

Beavers and buttheads

While many loggers are buttheads (and a few bloggers too) - some are just beavers, as Polish police recently discovered:
Green campaigners called police after discovering an illegal logging site in a nature reserve – only to find the culprits were a gang of beavers.

Environmentalists found 20 neatly stacked tree trunks and others marked with notches for felling at a beauty-spot in Subkowy, northern Poland.

But when officers followed a trail left by a tree which had been dragged away, they found a beaver dam right across the river as reported by the Austrian Times.

A police spokesman said: "The campaigners are feeling pretty stupid. There's nothing more natural than a beaver."
It sure is a dam shame that natural beaver behaviour involves resorting to crime!

I didn't do it, it was the sheep gov

I've done it, i bet you've done it too. When it all goes wrong blame a sheep!

Keith Ellet (mechanic) has however taken it to a new level. He has blamed local hooligan sheep for a fire costing him a staggering £275,000. Even more unfortunately for poor old Keith he wasn't insured. We bet those pesky sheep didn't give a damn as they ruined his livelihood. Prison terms for arsonist sheep is what we say.

Sunday, 7 December 2008

These cat-astrophes must be stopped!

"Not again," we hear you groan as Animal News sadly has to report on yet another case of a cat trapped in a car engine.

In what has become a horrific cat-alogue of automobile disasters (see here and here), one more cat has endured a car journey from hell:
When the mechanic popped open the bonnet he was greeted by small, shivering, black and white cat trapped under a pipe.

Mr Dale Tattersall, workshop manager, said: "We couldn't believe it. It was covered in oil and dirt and was boiling hot. We managed to it out and give it a good wash and it seems to be doing well.

Friday, 5 December 2008

World's oldest cat celebrates 125th birthday, yet to receive telegram from the Queen

In the latest bout of anti-animal discrimation, Animal News has been informed that Mischief, 125 in cat years, has not yet been sent a congratulatory telegram from the Queen. Mischief, of Cornwall, is a British subject - so we say, 25 years overdue ma'am!

125 years is a good age for a cat - but even more astounding may be the spider that lived for 28 years.

Two female polar bears fail to procreate - Japanese zookeepers surprised

Fom The Telegraph:
Tsuyoshi the polar bear is seen at Kushiro Municipal Zoo in northern Japan. Puzzled Japanese zookeepers have cleared up a mystery over a lack of chemistry between a couple of polar bears, as both have turned out to be female.
Experts had initially thought the problem could be due to bi-polar disorder. But the discovery that both bears were female provided zoo employees with a more likely explanation.

Woolly-brained sheep thinks it's a dog!

Tinkerbell brings new meaning to the word 'sheepdog'. Although Tinkerbell is a sheep, she believes she's a dog after being raised alongside Hamish the Labrador, Thomas the Terrier and two other dogs.

Unsheeplike behaviour engaged in by this woolly confusion include:
  • going for walks
  • bonding with a child
  • stalking a family
  • attending tea parties
  • going to pre-school
  • having christmas dinner - at the table!
'Tinks' sadly was born with impaired eyesight and brain damage. Maybe these disablities explain her strange activities!

Thursday, 4 December 2008

It must be puppy love

Fox news reports on a doggone miracle story:
A newborn baby that was abandoned outdoors by her 14-year-old mother during the Argentina winter was found safe Thursday after being kept alive and warm by a mother dog and her brood of puppies, Reuters reported.

Farmer Fabio Anze found the naked baby near the city of La Plata, Argentina, lying amongst his dog China’s puppies. The baby was taken to the hospital after Anze called the authorities.

Hospital officials said the baby was only a few hours old when she was found, and was in good health despite several bruises.
For fans of the moving image, the BBC has a video.

Avid readers of Animal News may notice a similarity between this heart-warming story and that of our recent post about a female dog nursing a litter of orphaned kittens.

We think China must be one of many hounds of love!

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Anything A Monkey Can Do, Squirrels Can Do Too!

Not to be out done by those Japanese Monkeys reported about below, a daredevil squirrel has stepped up to the plate and donned a pair of water skis himself! Amazing Animal News wonders where will these animal watersports end?

Say NO to monkey water skiing!

Sorry folks another shocking case of monkey abuse has been brought to our attention.

Those Japs are at it again now forcing the poor little primates into a life of Water skiing!! Sure it looks fun but we don't see their life jackets, it's sure to end in tears. SAY NO MONKEY ABUSE!!

Outrage at the Mu

The Musicians union (MU) have condemned the increase in training of animals to play musical instruments.

"This is just the thin edge of the wedge" said a source "with the credit crunch taking it's toil on the job market we are sure orchestras will start cutting cost and replace our member with these cheap animal amateurs"

Member are said to be in a near catatonic state of anger with the training of animals, in particular cats, to play the panio.

Where will this trend end? Is this animal discrimination or understandable protectionism in a tricky economic climate? We are sure this is not the end of this chapter in the relationship between animals and humankind

Another cat hitches a ride

The BBC reports on Tilly, yet another cat to get trapped in an inappropriate part of a car. In common with our exposé on cats that get trapped in engines, Tilly has also managed to hitch a long distance ride with an unsuspecting motorist.
A cat has used up one of its nine lives after getting stuck behind the front grille of a car and surviving for 70 miles on a trip from Surrey to Sussex.
Now that we are at 15 incidents, Animal News is starting to wonder whether these events are more than a coincedence... Is all this car tres-puss orcherstrated by a master mog? Are we dealing with feline felony here?

And it's not just cats that like to travel! In related news, Hike the Border Collie became estranged from his owner when he caught a bus for a 20 mile trip to the seaside. One local resident quipped: "He must be barking mad to take the number 11 bus. He should have used a taxi."

Spending all day at the seaside sounds like a dog's life to us!

The mystery of the disappearing water

Unknown source:

"Jennifer and Jim kept getting huge water bills. They knew beyond a doubt that the bills weren't representative of their actual usage, and no matter how they tried to conserve, the high bills continue. Although they could see nothing wrong, they had everything checked for leaks or problems; first the water meter, then outdoor pipes, indoor pipes, underground pipes, faucets, toilets, washer, ice maker, etc, all to no avail.

"One day Jim was sick and stayed home in bed, but kept hearing water running downstairs. He finally tore himself from his sick bed & went to investigate, and stumbled onto the cause of such high water bills.

"Apparently this was happening all day long when they were not at home. Knowing that few would believe him, he taped a segment of the 'problem' for posterity!"

Hats off: Sabine

I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

You'll have to travel to Turkey to witness this:
A walrus has become a star attraction with visitors at a zoo by learning to play the saxophone...

Under the direction of her trainer, Sara the Walrus grips the brass instrument between her flippers and blasts out a note.
Wetsuit-clad Russian trainer Sergiy has also taught her to strike a nonchalant pose, leaning on a work top with one flipper under her chin and looking bored.

Sara's skills at mimicking humans extend to dressing up as a railway platform conductor and blowing a whistle.
Walruses have not been this musical since John Lennon sang I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. See a clip of Sara below:

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Heartless Coppers: "Stop grieving, it's only a chicken!"

From the BBC:
Flowers and tributes were left in an alleyway where the body of a mystery dead baby was found - before police realised it was only a chicken foetus...

Police cordoned off the scene but soon realised that it was not a human but a chicken foetus.

Well-wishers had laid more than a dozen bunches of flowers at the scene, along with cards and teddy bears. One of the cards read: "RIP Little Baby. Safe in the arms of Jesus. From someone who is a loving mother xxxx."

Merseyside Police told the community on Monday to "stop grieving, it's only a chicken".

A spokeswoman for Merseyside Police said: "It seems a member of the public saw the remains of a foetus, which possibly resembled a human foetus, and called us.

"We cordoned off the area to investigate, as we would with any possible suspicious death, but it became apparent it was not a human foetus.
This is very similar to the time a friend of mine saw a toy alien lying on the street and mistook it for a dead human foetus with much alarm!

However, Animal News is left wondering why the good people of Liverpool are not permitted to grieve for a chicken foetus as they would a human one. This anti-animal discrimination has to stop!

Hat tip: Robino

what a stinking animal house

To many of our readers I'm sure it will come of no surprise that our beloved house of commons has turned into something of a rank animal house. The people of the country have been saying for years that parliament is full of inbred animals but a report now show how true that is.

So far this year there have been 79 mouse sightings, 79 fly sightings, and it is believed to home 907 moths, down from 2,507 in May. Animal news calls for a public debate whether the animals should be housed in their own specially built parliament, or may be moved over to Buckingham palace?

Could this be Robin Hood reincarnated as a bear?!

Woburn Safari Park, Bedfordshire, was momentarily transformed into medieval Sherwood Forest when a bear tore a hub cap from one car - in order to give it to a driver whose own hub cap had been stolen.
The giant black bear had initially sparked fear among zoo visitors driving past him when he began tearing at one car's hubcaps.

They didn't realise his efforts, although misguided, were actually aimed at helping others.

Gift in mouth, the animal lumbered over to a woman in a car behind, whose hubcaps had been stolen weeks earlier (at the hands of nasty humans, we presume).

'It put the hubcap down and then banged on the window, as if it was trying to get my attention,' said motorist Azra Noonari.

'It was almost like it wanted to give me the wheel cap.'
Not since the days of fellow forest-dweller Robin Hood have we seen such heartfelt banditry!

War chimp

We at animal news feel that at times of war it is important to remember not only the suffering of humans but also our animal friends. But times of trouble can also be a time of hope and joy at the humanity of some.

Mapima (pictured above) was being abused by Congolese troops, beaten up and starved. Luckily for her a Israeli aid worker Eyal Reinich spotted the distressed primate and arranged her rescue.

Mapima (see below) is now doing well under the supervision of Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN) trained caregivers. Hurray!

Fat Cats

From Yahoo News:
Eight of Britain's most overweight pets are to embark on a 100-day diet and fitness regime in a bid to be crowned this year's pet fit club champion.

The seven dogs and one cat, who are all more than 30 percent overweight and weigh a combined total of 191 kg (421 lb), were picked by veterinary charity PDSA who are running the slimming contest.

The animals, who need to lose a total of 74 kg to reach their ideal weight, will be put on specially tailored diet and exercise programs.

The pet who achieves the biggest percentage weight loss and best follows their new regime will be crowned champion, winning their owner a pet-friendly holiday.
At the hour of the Credit Crunch, it's apparently not only corporate fat cats that are shedding a few pounds!

UPDATE: Link is now broken, see a copy of the story here.

Monday, 24 November 2008

The purr-plexing love of cats for car engines

Animal News is well aware that cats love to travel - but just why they choose to do it inside bonnets of cars, encased in their engines, is a veritable moggy mystery.

Take Beamer, who suffered horrific burns after spending three days being driven around West Sussex in a BMW. Or misfortunate Mina, who travelled for 30 miles "clinging to the inside of a car bonnet" before being discovered alongside the engine's spark plugs.

Bad luck befell Black Jack, a seven-month old cat who sustained abdominal injuries, a severed Achilles' tendon and a significant loss of muscle tissue after becoming trapped in the fan belt of her neighbour's car. Black Jack required 80 stitches, several operations and eight days in intensive care - but fortunately survived. A fan belt injury also occurred in Rutland, where Lucky
lost much of the skin from the side of his stomach and needed to have a leg amputated after it became trapped in the fan belt.
Halloumi and Mele suffered similar ordeals, as did Maisy - who was discovered when her legs were seen dangling beneath the car. It is said that Maisy
was still deeply traumatised, but was improving.

"Maisy survived a four-mile journey from Abermule to Newtown after becoming trapped in a car engine," she said.

"After the journey her back legs didn't seem to work, but they're back to normal now. She is still deeply traumatised and it's going to be a slow, long journey with lots of tender loving care.

Charlie spent three hours in a car engine journeying from Hull to Norfolk, while in Aberdeen a ginger kitten named Gingi was discovered trapped inside a bonnet after driving for several miles - when the car's owner noticed the engine sounding an unusual purr. Nacho hitched a ride in a car engine all the way from Bristol to Liverpool. But perhaps the most impressive cat-hop was stowaway stray Lucky who, in an act reminiscent of a feline Phileas Fogg, managed to travel all the way from France to England in a car engine, in a journey lasting three days.

But a close second is probably Luna, who survived 300 miles over the course of a week in Austria, trapped inside the bonnet of a Mercedes-Benz - narrowly avoiding a cat-astrophy.

The popularity of engine-dwelling is not limited to cars. Cats have also survived journies trapped inside the engines of a van (in Hampshire), a coach and even a fire service lorry.

It would seem that vehicle engines are simply the purr-fect mode of cat travel! But as this adventurous lifestyle often leaves our feline friends just a whisker from death, it certainly is fortunate that they have nine lives.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Tiger cloning in Korea - the gateway to world domination?

In a rare show of intra-peninsular friendship, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea (more popularly known as North and South Korea, respectively) are joining forces in their quest to clone the rare Mount Paektu Tiger.

This ostensibly ecological project already has a pending European patent.

However, some commentators are concerned that the purpose of this research, so far as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is concerned, is for scientists to aquire the know-how to embark on a much more sinister cloning attempt.... creating multiple copies of 'Dear Leader' Kim Jong-il.

The recent disappearance of Kim Jong-il, and the subsequent failed attempt at a cover-up featuring the shameless use of Photoshop, has been interpreted by some news sources as an indication that the Dear Leader is in failing health. But Animal News wonders whether this absence from public life is because the North Korean leader is busy being cloned...

Friday, 21 November 2008

Bird got the blues

From the Mail:
Spare a thought for Fred the parrot, who was so heartbroken by the death of his owner that he's been prescribed an animal-friendly version of the anti-depressant.

The African Grey got the blues after owner George Dance's passing - and ended up biting all his neck feathers off before animal experts offered the radical solution.

The bird has now been prescribed a twice-daily liquid dose of a bird-friendly version of Prozac, called Clomicalm.
Other recent cases of animals being given mental health treatment include
collie-Labrador Winnie, who last year was given Clomicalm after being diagnosed with canine separation anxiety.

Foreigners attack christmas

A shocking attack on Christmas has been reported in Bath. Rogue American Squirrels have attempted to destroy Christmas after an assault on the rotary club Christmas lights.

Revenge is on the minds of the Rotary club, a member said "they have got our bulbs but we will get their nuts"

A political storm has also been felt after this criminal activity, Mr Daniel Lake, a University of Bath BNP activist (07856 335201) said " this is typical of these Yankee foreign invaders, they have no respect for our culture and traditions, they should be thrown out of the country"

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Bizarre friendship frenzy

In the wake of our recent post on unlikely animal friendships, a veritable pandemic of interspecies chumminess has been brought to the attention of Animal News. Be inspired!

tortoise + hippo
An orphaned hippo in kenya has been adopted by a giant tortoise, in a mutually beneficial display of animal friendship. It is said of the tortoise: "motherhood has really brought her out of her shell!"

chimp + tiger cubs
Anjana, a chimpanzee, has adopted two tiger cubs in Florida.

elephant + sheep
From metro:
Themba the abandoned baby elephant has someone to give him that warm, fuzzy feeling at long last – Albert the sheep.

The six-month-old was introduced to Albert, two, after he was orphaned with little hope of survival.

Despite a few teething problems, the two are now best friends, and spend hours playing and cuddling.

dog + monkey
From the New York Post:

It was love at first sight for a puppy and a monkey at a zoo in China.

A worker at the Nanhai Zoo who takes her 6-month-old pooch with her to work noticed the pup and the monkey had an instant attraction.

Now the tiny simian feeds the canine bananas and brushes his hair, and the dog lets his pal ride on his back.
That really is bananas!

dog + kittens
From the wires:
A female dog is nursing a litter of kittens which were orphaned when their mother died in China.

Their owner, Cai, of Jiangmen, said he has been raising cats and dogs together for more than 10 years, and they all got along together well. But this was the first time he had ever seen kittens being nursed by a dog, he told the local Guangzhou Daily.

The four kittens seemed happy and content with their new mother's milk, while the dog was tending to its adopted family with love and care, Cai added.

"Several days ago, the kittens' mother died after eating a poisoned rat, leaving behind a litter of kittens without a source of milk," he said. "The kittens' cries may have stirred the dog's maternal nature, since it too had recently given birth. It volunteered to take over and feed the kittens of its old friend."

The dog's own puppies had been taken away by one of its grown-up offspring. Cai said: "That's perhaps another reason why the dog adopted the kittens. She lost all of her own children."

rabbit + kittens
The BBC reports on Summer the Rabbit, of Aberdeen, who has adopted six three-week old kittens.

Veterinary nurse Melanie Humble says: "the kittens seemed to really like her [Summer] and thought she was their mother. They were trying to get milk from her and climbing over her. And Summer was not bothered by them at all. Summer is five months old and she's gigantic. It is lovely to see them all together."

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Hedgehog update

Two hedgehog news nuggets:

A hedgehog has lived to see another day after accidentally undergoing a 40 degrees spin cycle in a washing machine. The aptly named 'Lucky' is now recovering from her ordeal before being returned to the wild. On the upside, Lucky has never been cleaner!

Fellow hedgehog George is probably the fattest hedgehog in the country - weighing in at a whopping 2.2 kg! In fact, George is so overweight that he has now been placed on the Atkins diet. High protein, low carbs - that's the way to do it George!

Stand up for the pub bitch

Hatty in her high-visibility vest (picture:

Progress is slowly being made against the anti-animal discrimination which is rife in the public bars of Britain. Hatty the Lakeland terrier was barred from the Jolly Sailor in Prestatyn accused of chewing the beer mats. However the landlord had a change of mind after anger from regulars.

"I came down one night and all the regulars were throwing beer mats for her so really speaking, we shouldn't be blaming Hatty, we should be blaming the regulars," reported the landlord.

However the landlord now demands poor Hatty should undergo humiliating treatment and wear a high-vis vest whilst in the pub. Amazing animal news is outraged that the dog should undergo this treatment and sugguest that the regulars should be wearing the vests. Please support this cause and join our petition by phoning 0845 600 5705.

Nice Jug!

Check out Robbie the Raccoon, get himself in a spot of bother. A lucky escape we think!

Monday, 10 November 2008

To the big kennel in the sky

The winner of the 2008 World's Ugliest Dog Contest has passed away.

Courtesy of Perez:

Sad news.

The winner of the 2008 World's Ugliest Dog Contest has passed away.

Gus was a pedigree Chinese crested dog from St. Petersburg, Florida.

He was missing an eye, one leg, and was almost hairless.

Unfortunately, the 9 year-old pooch was suffering from cancer.

Gus was originally rescued from a home where he was being kept inside a crate in someone's garage.

His adoptive family says Gus lost his leg after it had to be amputated due to a skin tumor and he lost his eye in a cat fight.

Evil pussy!

As for Gus' owner, she had said the prize money from the contest was going to be used for his radiation treatment.

Poor pooch.

Rest in peace, Gus!!!!

Penguin Petulance

Just take a look at this mischievous penguin! Surely an Animal ASBO is heading his way!

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Penguin befriends stuffed toy; rhino pals up with rabbit

In the world of bizarre animal friendships, not since an elephant got chummy with a pig have we seen such an odd pairing as this:

Real life penguin Pingu is blissfully content in his friendship with a £3.99 stuffed toy.

The new found friends are more similar in appearance to characters from a Wallace & Gromit plot than to his real life siblings - but this does not seem to be a problem for big-hearted Pingu, who is willing to accept the stuffed toys without prejudice.

In related news, Umquali the Rhino has developed an unlikely friendship with Robby the Rabbit. According to one zookeeper: "It's not clearly whether their relationship is purely platonic or whether Umquali really has the horn for Robby."