From the Daily Express:
Meanwhile, less fortunate turkies are getting their own back on humans from beyond the grave.No wonder Terence the turkey keeps himself apart from his pals. He’s not going to be a Christmas dinner. The lucky bird managed to dodge being someone’s main course because he has become one of the family down at the farm.
Farmer Roger Barron, 53, and wife Marianne, 49, are so attached to him they’ve invited him for Christmas. At their turkey farm in Essex, Marianne said: "There was something different about him. He was more brazen, jumping on bales of hay, squawking and showing who was leader of the pack."
Before long he was coming into the family home for food. Marianne said: "I couldn’t bear having him slaughtered with all the rest. So Terence is going to be guest of honour at our dinner table. He will have a special place laid. While we’re tucking into one of his old pals, he’ll be feasting on a plateful of grain. He won’t get any bubbly, though. We don’t want a drunken bird. After all, the cure would be cold turkey."
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