Wednesday, 4 February 2009

A coo for anti-pigeon smuggling efforts

Australian authorities have finally caught a member of an elusive pigeon smuggling ring - and they nabbed him literally with his pants down.

For trapped in each trouser leg was a pigeon trying to enter Oz illegally.

The pigeon mastermind behind the ring is still at large.

An arresting officer told Animal News:
The pigeons thought they could smuggle themselves into Australia by being hidden down under. The dude's socks were full of guano. We got them in the end but it was a bit hairy. And I'm not just talking about the legs!
This is not the first time that pigeon criminals have been caught in a smuggling ring, and their crime also extends to spying. But the last animal airport smuggling scheme we heard about was a monkey passing for a baby bump. Will this animal crime wave never end?

Hat tip: Doug


  1. Take a look at the smuggler's legs - is he actually a chimpanzee?

  2. Well he is definitely not a cyclist

  3. that's what she said
