It wasn't just humans enjoying the unprecedented snow fall in Britain last week. Michael Cox of Wiltshire captured a snow-crazed stoat going berserk in his back garden! The crazy little fella!
All the latest amazing animal news from around the globe.
Peter the writing sea lion, is the pride and joy of the staff at Ningbo Zoo, China. It took them three months to teach him to write in Chinese. Is he ready now for the big time and signing checks? ...And who said you can't teach an old (sea)
This very special six-year-old male sea lion can write the Chinese character for a “bull” and can sign his own unique ‘sea lion” seal. He can actually hold the seal and stamp it on paper as a signature that sort of reads: ‘Peter was here.’
It is expected that Peter will demonstrate his writing skills for tourists during the up and coming Spring Festival at the zoo, but currently permission has not yet been granted by his agent, Harry, the orangutan, and his attorney, Martin Van Parrot, both of whom reside a few cages down.
Wildlife officers have come to the rescue of an abandoned baby koala who found internet stardom by being the bear in a bucket...It has been quite a day for Australian animal news!
"The mum had become distressed and disorientated by the heat so she left the baby on its own without realising," [said] Tracey Young... "They’re normally up in the tree together, in a pair, and we see them all the time."
Ms Young’s nephew first spotted the distressed animal on the family property in Maude, between Melbourne and Geelong. "I had to scoop water up in my hand to get it to drink and at first it wasn’t very unresponsive... Eventually it realised the water was in the bowl and it just climbed in itself."
A viral email showing the koala taking its refreshing dip generated media interest in the marsupial.
The pigeons thought they could smuggle themselves into Australia by being hidden down under. The dude's socks were full of guano. We got them in the end but it was a bit hairy. And I'm not just talking about the legs!This is not the first time that pigeon criminals have been caught in a smuggling ring, and their crime also extends to spying. But the last animal airport smuggling scheme we heard about was a monkey passing for a baby bump. Will this animal crime wave never end?