Friday, 31 October 2008

Scaredy Cat

From the National Geographic:
Perhaps not since the Cowardly Lion has an animal's appearance been so at odds with its attitude. On June 4 a black bear wandered into a West Milford, New Jersey, back yard, was confronted by a 15-pound (7-kilogram) tabby cat … and fled up a neighbor's tree. Hissing at the base of the tree, Jack the clawless cat kept the bear at bay for about 15 minutes, then ran him up another tree after an attempted escape.....

Full-grown black bears weigh between 200 and 600 pounds (90 and 270 kilograms) and measure as much as 6 feet (1.8 meters) long. Their diets can include fruits, honey, insects, acorns and animals as big as moose calves—a fact apparently lost on Jack.

Dental treatment, artificial limbs and a hernia operation... all given to animals

A series of reports are emerging on the latest medical care being recieved by animals. While all attempts to undertake medical care on animals is of course welcome, perhaps most incredible of all is the hernia operation recently performed on Carla the angelfish.

Vets at the London Aquarium used anaesthetic, a scalpel, a needle and forceps to perform the operation, who is a 10-year veteran of the popular tourist attraction. Happily, Carla has now made a full recovery and is once again pleasing visitors in the Caribbean tropical fish display tank.

Another case of animal medicine to come to life is that of Riley the horse, who was lucky enough to receive a prosthetic leg in a pioneering operation that is being credited with saving her life.

In addition to general surgery, there have been significant advances in recent years in the field of animal dentistry. Henry the puffer fish was given an emergency tooth extraction after coming off worse in a fight with a stingray half his size. The stingray, named Clyde, has been relocated to another aquarium, while Henry is still contentedly passing out his days at the Sea Life Adventure centre in Southend, Essex.

Meanwhile, in India, a British dentist has been giving extensive dental treatment to tigers and bears living in a rescue centre run by International Animal Rescue.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

It's a dogs life being an actor!

Halloween sees not not humans dressing up as fool but also our animal friends. Mondex the chihuahua passed off an impressive impersonation of Hollywood pirate Johnny Depp to win a halloween dog contest. With the credit crunch hitting Hollywood hard rumours are abound that Mondex may well in contest to win the leading role in the next pirates in the caribbean film.

For those readers still pondering the picture above, Johnny Depp is on the right, Mondex on the left. The give away is Johnny's impressive thigh muscles.

Mystic Mog

From the Washington Post:
Oscar the cat seems to have an uncanny knack for predicting when nursing home patients are going to die, by curling up next to them during their final hours. His accuracy, observed in 25 cases, has led the staff to call family members once he has chosen someone. It usually means they have less than four hours to live.
"He doesn't make too many mistakes. He seems to understand when patients are about to die," explained Dr Dosa, a geriatrician at Oscar's hospital in Providence, Rhode Island. "Many family members take some solace from it. They appreciate the companionship that the cat provides for their dying loved one."

No one is sure how Oscar is able to perform this remarkable feat.

One patient noted: "I've heard of a horse's head in your bed signifying impending death - but a live cat in your bed, that's a new one on me!"

Another patient reflected: "I'm old and sick. I'm expecting a visit from Oscar soon, if only I had nine lives too."

Well Lucky

A water buffalo in Liuzhou, China had a lucky escape recently after its obsession with the very thing it's named after got out of hand, and he fell down a well. Villagers who winched the hapless bovine beast back up using the well's rope said that while it was an unfortunate incident, the animal's plight pails into insignificance compared with the most recent animal disaster on their collective when 3 wart hogs got stuck in a chimney.

Say NO to monkey karate!

TMZ has a story on the latest incidence of monkey abuse:
Yachan is a black belt wearing primate who not only knows how to kick, punch, flip and do push-ups, but also has a part time job cleaning tables at a local bar -- just like Ralph Macchio!
We think this is abuse of monkey labour!

Update! Several readers have pointed out that Yachan appears to be the same monkey as the ape at the centre of an earlier monkey labour rights scandal (see our report here).

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Pigeon drug smuggling ring busted in Bosnia

It is often said that pigeons are the crime masterminds of the animal world - and there has certainly been no shortage of pigeon crime reported by Animal News (see here).

In the latest twist of this feathered crime wave, a pigeon drug baron is now behind bars after being caught smuggling heroin into a Bosnian prison.

The Brisbane Times quotes Zenica prison official Josip Pojavnik:
"The guards suspected the animal might be involved in drug smuggling once they noticed four prisoners visibly intoxicated shortly after the pigeon landed on a prison window... We do not know what to do with the pigeon, but for the time being it will remain behind bars."

The drugs are suspected to originate in the town Tuzla, a location some 70 km from Zenica prison. But with the suspected pigeon offender behind bars, it would seem that animal crime really doesn't pay.

Monday, 27 October 2008

World first: dog appears in court - as a witness

A French canine named 'Scooby Doo' has taken after his cartoon namesake by fighting crime. Scooby appeared in the witness box during a court hearing in Nanterre, France, and was able to identify a suspect by barking furiously.

The court was convened in order to see whether a suicide verdict arrived at by police investigating the death of Scooby's owner can be overturned. The owner's family are calling for a full murder inquiry and are hoping that the crime-fighting efforts of Scooby Doo will bring them justice.

The judge in the case complimented Scooby for his "exemplary behaviour and invaluable assistance", while others were left wondering if the French legal system has gone to the dogs.

A source told Animal News: "These French judges are barking mad."

Animal News was not able to confirm whether any other members of Mystery, Inc. will be assisting Scooby in this case.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

It's a dog save cat world!

For all those negative types who say that it's each animal for it's self in a crisis, Leo is here to prove you wrong. Dogs do have a more humane side. During a fire in Melborne, Australia. Leo bravely risked his life to save every dogs biggest enemy, the pesky kitten. Whilst the useless humans fled the building leaving behind the cardboard box of defenceless kitty cats, Leo stayed behind until the fire-brigade arrived to save the pussies.

Video available at BBC news

Friday, 24 October 2008

A hare-raising adventure

A hare foetus rescued from its dog-butchered mother is being raised as an orphan by a Hampshire family. And the hare and new owners are sure to become bosom bodies - because 'Miracle' is being housed for warmth in Margi Heath's bra!

The Daily Telegraph reports that originally 'Miracle' and her dead mother were destined to become Sunday lunch:

"The hare was so beautiful, I just couldn't bare [sic] to throw her away. I thought she'd make a nice meal so started gutting her."

So it seems like 'Miracle' truly was just a hare's breadth from death.... but luckily her beating heart was spotted just before she was turned into a nice hearty stew!

Cats! Now available in glow-in-the-dark colours

Mr Green

The genius of scientists knows no bounds. Everyone can agree that pussies are getting ever so boring. How can you improve you pet moggie, put a bit more life in to that fading trend? Why not get a glow-in-the-dark cat? Mr green genes is the worlds first glow-in-the-dark cat, but amazing animal news is hoping that more will be available for this Christmas.

More details available at the daily mail

Safe at last: the return of fudgie

We would like to inform all followers of amazing animal news that Fudgie the hamster has been reunited with his owner according to The daily record.

The mother of the Zoe (whose pet fudgie was) said:

'It was like Christmas morning,' she said.

'Zoe sat in her pyjamas in front of Fudgie's cage and watched her for ages. She said "I love you Fudgie".'


Please read previous post for more details

Georgina to George - hen style


The sexually revolution has come to the animal world. Georgina the hen has undergone the 1 in 10,000 sex-change and is now going by the name George. George was said to be cock-a-hoop over the transformation and enjoying the attention of the hens at Battery Hen Welfare Trust headquarters in Chulmleigh.

More at the metro

Get Shorty

Firefighters in Hampshire were baffled earlier this year when they were called out to rescue a horse stuck knee-deep in mud. Eleven firefighters, two fire engines, a multi-role vehicle, a rural officer and a fire officer turned up to help with the rescue in Redbridge, Southampton, only to discover that it was a pony with short legs.

Read more from the UK's leaders in Rural Reportage, Horse and Hound.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Last orders for no nonsense John Smith's-drinking horse at nay-bourhood pub

While we now have anti-discrimination laws to prevent all manner of prejudicial business practices towards humans, when are the government going to wake up and help put a stop to horses being barred from pubs?

The Mirror reports:

No wonder Peggy the carthorse looks bitter. Her favourite watering hole has just banned her from boozing in the bar - and she reckons it's a right mare.

For the 12-year-old black beauty had become a regular after wandering inside her local one day when owner Pete Dolan, 62, forgot to tether her properly while he popped in for a pint.

She quickly found she loved supping John Smith's and chomping down beef crisps with the other drinkers.

But now the Alexandra Hotel in Jarrow, South Tyneside, has had a makeover - and landlady Jackie Gray, 46, has decided her hoofprints are no longer welcome on the new carpets.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Where are our pussies?: The case of the Purr-muda Triangle


Residents of Stourbridge, Worcestershire have become frantic with fear at the outbreak of disappearing pussies in the area. Forty-five felines have gone missing in the so called Purr-muda Triangle (see below for map) in the past eight years leading to a five year investigation by the RSPCA. Without any leads to go on the tail has gone cold leaving the RSPCA no choice but to refuse to house any more cats in the area. Amazing Animal News is left asking is there a cat burglar in the area?

Bermuda triangle

More at the daily mail.

a purr-fect vacation

A ditzy Bradford woman made a cat-astrophic error when she went on holiday - having accidentally packed her kitten with her luggage. According to the Yorkshire Post:

Three-month-old kitten Beauty had secretly crept inside owner Helen Wilmore's suitcase as she packed it for the trip to visit her cousin....

Despite rigorous security checks at Leeds-Bradford and Schiphol airports, the evasive black kitten remained undetected.

Shocked Helen, 36, from Bradford, said: "We'd been travelling for about 21 hours when I finally got round to opening my suitcase and out popped the cat.

"I couldn't believe it and I still can't take it in now how she managed to survive being stuck in there all that time - she must have used up quite a few of her nine lives."

How many firemen does it take to catch a hamster?

Hamster (generic)

Quick call the fire brigade there's a missing hamster!
How many times has that been the rallying call across the country?
It certainly was when Fudgie went missing. Two fire engines quickly turned up along with mini-camera coated with chocolate to hunt down the rogue hamster. After five hours strenuous work the eight firemen had to admit defeat to the feisty rodent and call in the Scottish SPCA.

More at BBC news

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Goats spared trial after being relased from prison

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo: In Kinshasha, the rule of law is not limited in its enforcement to humans - goats can fall foul of justice too.

But a gang of goats being held in prison on charges of being sold illegally by the roadside have attracted the mercy of Deputy Justice Minister Claude Nyamugabo. Mr Nyamugabo, who came across the goats on a routine prison visit, ensured that the crime-committing animals were released on condition that they promised not to reoffend.

Lets go swimming with tigers!

Dolphins have shared their disappointment at the latest news that they are so last year. The latest fashion in the world of animal swimming is to take to the water with your feline friend.

Read more here

It's true! Coffee is a bear necessity!


It's not only people that need their morning pick-me-up, Starbucks the grizzly bear was simply bowled over when he found this abandoned coffee mug.

'Although the cup was empty, the bear still went loopy over the smell,' said Doug Read


Pigeons in animal-espionage shocker

Tensions between Iran and the animal world have been sent to breaking point with the shocking arrest of two pigeons at Natanz, near Iran's uranium enrichment facility. Iran claims the pigeons were sent on a spying mission with high tech 'metal rings' and 'invisible string'.

There is currently no news on where the inmates are being kept, or their condition.

This is the latest in a line of arrests of animal visitors to the country. In July 2007 14 squirrels were detained on the Iranian border alleged of spying for the enemy.

Shocking sexual attack on penguin by seal

From BBC news:

An Antarctic fur seal has been observed trying to have sex with a king penguin.

The South African-based scientists who witnessed the incident say it is the most unusual case of mammal mating behaviour yet known....

Why the seal attempted to have sex with the penguin is unclear. But the scientists who photographed the event speculate that it was the behaviour of a frustrated, sexually inexperienced young male seal....

"At first glimpse, we thought the seal was killing the penguin," says Nico de Bruyn, of the Mammal Research Institute at the University of Pretoria, South Africa....

De Bruyn and a colleague were on Trypot beach at Marion Island to study elephant seals when they noticed a young, adult male Antarctic fur seal, in good condition, attempting to copulate with an adult king penguin of unknown sex.

The 100kg seal first subdued the 15kg penguin by lying on it.

The penguin flapped its flippers and attempted to stand and escape - but to no avail.

The seal then alternated between resting on the penguin, and thrusting its pelvis, trying to insert itself, unsuccessfully.

After 45 minutes the seal gave up, swam into the water and then completely ignored the bird it had just assaulted, the scientists report.

Why a fur seal would indulge in such extreme sexual behaviour is unclear....

But this is thought to be the first recorded example of a mammal trying to have sex with a member of another class of vertebrate, such as a bird, fish, reptile, or amphibian....

Marion Island is the only place in the world where Antarctic fur seals are known to hunt king penguins on land, so the idea that the fur seal was trying to eat the object of its attention made sense.

"But then we realised that the seal's intentions were rather more amorous."

The researchers speculate that the male seal was too young to win access to female seals, and in a state of sexual excitement, looked elsewhere....

The penguin did not appear to have been injured by the seal, the scientists report.

Silly filly

Horse tree

Is there foal play at work in the animal world? Poor old filly Gracie was found making odd noises and her head stuck in a tree.

Owner Jason Harschbarger siad:

'I looked up and all I could see was her belly. I ran up to see her and she looked in a lot of trouble. She was hanging there by the back of her jaws. I ran back down to my vehicle and got a chainsaw and ratchet strap.

'I don't know what possessed me to get the camera as well.'

Is this filly really that silly or is this a sick new trend??

Friday, 17 October 2008

This food is revolting!

In a reversal of the natural orthodoxy, a mouse intended as snakefood has killed its erstwhile eater. South Africa's Independent Online reports:
A tiny mouse was thrown into a cage as food for a viper - but turned the tables and killed the snake instead.

Firefighters in Nantou town, Taiwan, caught the 35cm snake and put it into a mouse cage for safe-keeping.

"We then found it a mouse for lunch," a firefighters spokesperson said. 

But the firefighters were stunned to see how aggressive the mouse became once it saw the predator.

"It attacked the snake continuously, biting and scratching it."

After a vicious 30 minute battle, the snake was dead and the mouse was left with hardly a scratch. Lan Sengqiu, the chief fireman, added: "Perhaps it used up its venom when we caught it, and perhaps it was a novice predator."

Animal Crimewave Continues

Raccoon Thief
Theft of doormats by Racoons has left householders in several US states slipping all over their porches this month, as the Global Animal Crimewave continues.  If you see any racoons in possession of doormats please call the AmazingAnimalNews Crime Hotline on 0800 111 1111.  

Have YOU got a bat in your bra?

Abbie Hawkins

Watch out bats about! Signs the housing market crisis is beginning to hit even the animal kingdom have been felt in Norwich. A big bosomed Norwich resident, Miss Stephanie Hawkin was shocked to find that a bat moved into her bra.

‘It looked very snug in there and I thought how mean I was for disturbing it." she said to reporters.

Amazing animal news advises all readers to look out for unusual movement inside your underwear.

Read more at the daily mail

Thursday, 16 October 2008

It's Official: Animal Crime On The Rise - Violent Badger Destroys Lives

Violent Teen Badger Hooligan

Innocent Badger Victim

A rogue badger attacked five people during a 48-hour rampage in a quiet suburb Thursday.

One man required two skin graft operations, after the badger woke him up and attacked him when he went outside to investigate.

Other victims included a man who was attacked as he walked home from a pub, in Evesham, Worcestershire.

Mike Weaver, from the Worcestershire Badger Society, said: "I have never heard of anything like this in 24 years of work with badgers throughout the UK."

Click here for more details.

Walkers urges vigilence in wake of shoplifting seagull

Aberdeen, Scotland: Sammy the Seagull brazenly steals pack of Doritos in front of several pigeon witnesses. This is literally daylight robbery!

Monkey Metro

In scenes reminiscent of 1933 black & white classic "King Kong", a monkey on the loose in the Tokyo Subway alarms commuters. Born free!

Hollywood goes for the bear necessities in Yogi movie

Excited fans of cartoon bear news from Yellowstone Park to the Black Forest wept for joy upon hearing that Yogi is to appear on the big screen.

The jaws of death

Stunned bystanders witnessed a pigeon meet its final end in the beak of a pelican in London's St. James' Park.

UPDATE! video footage of this amazing animal news has emerged:

Pooh - Jap's a Fair Cop

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese police have arrested a 20-year-old man who attacked and robbed two people after they stared at his Winnie-the-Pooh costume, officials said on Tuesday.

Masayuki Ishikawa was hanging out on a Tokyo street corner after midnight last month while wearing the cuddly costume, accompanied by two friends dressed as a mouse and a panther, when he took offence at being stared at, police said.

"It's uncommon to see people dressed up like this, so the victims were watching them. Then the perpetrator came up and said 'What are you staring at?'" a police spokesman said.

Ishikawa and his friends beat up the two victims and stole $160 from them, the spokesman said, adding the group had apparently donned the unusual garb because they had run out of clean clothes.

Flat Spat

Flatworms, the asbo magnets of the Platyzoa superphylum, have been caught on camera penis duelling.

Stag do

From BBC news:
Early morning fog in Richmond Park, in London. Autumn sees the start of the "rutting" season during which stags can be heard roaring and barking in an attempt to attract females. The larger males will also clash antlers with rival males.
Gratuitous Bambi picture:

Too much monkey business!

Monkey trade unions are swinging from trees with rage at reports that a monkey in Japan is being paid tips only and not minimum wage soya beans to serve drinks and hot towels in a downtown bistro.

Drunken Pony

Meet Fat Boy.  He's a drunken pony.  He likes fermenting apples and falling into swimming pools.  

AmazingAnimalNews Rating: 8/10.